Thursday, 30 January 2025


Things that you find when purging stuff for a house move. Yes, I allowed myself to be dressed in white acrylic lace, and a sugar pink satin gown when I normally would have been attired in jeans and an old tweed jacket, or striped trousers and winkle picker red boots, but it was respectively the late 70s and early eighties.

Me on the right both times, with perm and then shorter hair do, feeling like a total pillock. I can't recall much about the first wedding - my cousin Theresa's as the later pictures of the day show the level of alcohol imbibed; the second, a horrific event in a faux posh hotel which I think I blocked out of my mind. There's another picture of me in a lime green bridesmaid dress which I haven't come across yet . . . 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Londonia podcast. Episode 2

Mark Lockett - composer of the Londonia soundscape introduces the ouverture, or prologue of the audiobook.

As with the last episode, I can't create a direct link. Please copy and paste into your browser, or find the podcast on Spotify.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Celebrating a year of work!


Londonia, the audiobook launches 3rd February 2025

We are holding an event to mark the end of a year's worth of work! Please come and share our celebration, and enjoy a glass of wine and nibbles. Live readings by Kate A Hardy (the author), and Londonia-inspired music by Mark Lockett, composer of the audiobook soundscape.

The event will be held in Justin Wescombe's beautiful house on Sunday 2nd Feb at 16:30 - 2 Montée du Fort, Saumur (just off Place St Pierre). Please note, there are stairs.

We hope you can be there!

RSVP to Kate (as numbers may be limited)  

Portable : 06 85 48 95 13

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Londonia podcast

Our podcast introducing behind the scenes work on the Londonia audiobook, interviews, and weekly sample chapters. Please click on link below. Actually . . . it's a bit more manual than that - in true Londonia style. Please copy and paste into your search engine.

The whole audiobook will be launched on the 3rd of February on Spotify's Findaway Voices.

Dog portraiture

Bali, our rescue Galas, or Spanish greyhound has probably been photographed at least 2,000 times; on walks, playing with old slippers, looking unbelievably elegant, and gazing adoringly at Mark, and the other members of her pack, but more so, Mark. He who never wished to have a dog, and actually uttered words such as, no way are we having a dog, he, I suspect is the soppiest dog owner amongst us. 

The no dog idea was undermined by me and Ezra years back when Mark went back to the UK for two weeks. During that gloomy and freezing February fortnight I went to the SPA (dogs' home) in Narbonne with then eight-year old Ezra and said we would just . . . have a look, with the promise (unlikely, I thought) that if there was a Jack Russel or some species of greyhound, I might think about offering it a home. And of course there was dear old Una, our first greyhound-type dog, an elderly Italian greyhound-cross, crossed with, no idea - she was considerably larger than the usual Italian variety. So we took her and her withered leg back home, stopping at a dog washing shop on the way home(the smell!)

Mark had glanced at her when we all went to meet him at the airport and had uttered something calm and cool along the lines of, "thought that might happen". But he was soon dog-addicted: walks, sofa snuggling, appreciative of the always manically-pleased-to-see-him little pointy face and wagging tail of that old dog. And she was old when we got her - already ten, but she went on to live until twenty, and it was a sad beyond sad day when she went. 

Then followed Satie, the runty Italian Greyhound, a tiny dog of immense character, then Gala a rescue Spanish Galgas, and following on, Bali, our remaining greyhound. Dog of never-ending enthusiasm for walkies, dog of sofa, dog of playing; perfect dog. 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Moving on...

Not as in the game show title I gave to a rather vile and scary TV series in my follow-up to Londonia . . . but us, moving on, to a new abode. Or rather an old 1968 breeze block built abode as opposed to our current large and elegant 1830s house.

A couple of reasons: achey stuff that is not really going away - our doc looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said: 'the cure for hip and back tendonitis . . . stop doing the things that cause the problem - i.e lots of heavy gardening, wood shifting, hefty housework. You're not thirty anymore, or even forty, or . .  OK, I said, I get it.

                                                               A section of the garden

                                                                          The wood

Also, it's time for a town stint. Mark needs to be near other musicians, and to be able to give music lessons as our earning potential as artists is pretty useless, to say the least. 

It wasn't an easy idea to take on board at the outset. All the work we've done here, the magnificent garden, the privilege of living in a beautiful old house with all its history. Mark was not keen, mainly as uprooting all our stuff again was indeed an unpleasant idea, exhausting, just the idea of it! But thanks to a rather crazy 1970s house I had pinpointed on the main island of Saumur, he began to imagine life in the town. We visited the house a few times and put in an offer but due to the long standing feud between the inheritors of said house, none of them were speaking to each other. The weeks turned into a few months and still one of them refused to accept the offer, so we started house hunting again. 

Meanwhile our house had had an offer and we had gladly accepted, mainly as the lovely buyers have the same vision as us - preserve the garden as a haven for wildlife as it has been for the last forty five years - thanks in great part to our wonderful previous house occupant who had planted most of the trees, bushes and flower gardens. You have to accept when selling a property that your potential buyers may have very different ideas to you, and our hearts had sunk a few times as folk had talked of selling off the wood (madness! absolute insanity when the wood provides all the house's heating!) or had talked of ripping things out in order to install a pool, etc... We are supremely happy to know that the house's next dwellers will love the house, and continue to add life to these incredible gardens.

                                                      One of my favourite garden views

So, the next project . . . very different. No wood (sob) but a reasonable space for creaky people to carry on the nature welcoming idea - a bird refuge, pond to be added, trees to be planted, vines and wisteria to be grown for shade, and vegetables to be grown on the weird long strip of fertile-looking garden behind the house. The agent had described the property as atypical, and I had said, that's ok, we are too. And it is - a very odd layout but the main interest being the large salon. I had been searching for a house with such a room so we can finally install our inherited grand piano (thank you dear Rosemary) and even do house concerts, music lectures etc. Another reason that the house 'spoke' to us three is that there is a view of the railway line from Thoars, through Saumur and on to Chateau du Loire. This will be the third house we have lived in which features a railway line as part of its soundscape, something we love! 

Large salon with deer's head - previous occupant was a keen hunter

The location is interesting; on a road where there were once thirty windmills, now, four, non-functioning, and an enjoyable amble into town via the Saumur Chateau into the main square for the weekly market and joy! cafés etc. Life will be more on foot, and the dog walks surrounding the house are new and inspiring. 

So, time to amass boxes, purge stuff - had a good go already - a car boot load of ? to Emmaus, and much more to go . . . why do we keep all this stuff? I'll try hard this time to not let the clutter encroach.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025


January was welcomed in at our house by Mark making his own 'Galette des Rois': Puff pastry, frangipane edible round item that appears by the pantechnicon-load at this time of the year in all French bakeries and supermarkets. 

Not biased or anything . . . but his G des R was (and still is - large version) far superior.

Happy New Year to all my regular blog readers and anyone who happens to stumble into the attic of my mind.