Perhaps everyone sees landmasses on pavements and within ceiling cracks, notes the jauntiness or sadness of a building according to its windows and doors placement, and imagines the internal thoughts of overlooked, once useful items. Or not. I do seem to spend quite a lot of time wondering if abandoned chairs feel depressed, or if our car would mentally benefit from a deep clean - or any sort of clean . . . Sentimental/deranged, possibly, or just someone who wonders about everything and suspects none of us know very much about anything - one only has to look at recent events in America, and the amount of mech rattling going on in Russia . . .
From the left: "Oh . . . what's the point of. . . anything? You stand here screwed to a filthy grey wall from forty years, spouting out copper sulphate whenever it's required. Do they thank me? Do they? And they still haven't given me enough insulation . . . and my tube has a hole in it - mice chewed through it last winter - bloody painful I can tell you.
Come on . . . cheer up! It's not that bad. Look at the sky, and clouds - the birds. D'you know a little wren sat on my spout yesterday - drank some water and sang. Wonderful it was. Made you glad to be alive.
Oh, shut up! You're not alive, are you. Just superior coz you're taller than us two. At least your pipes only have H20 going through them - me? stinky old tractor oil - gets everywhere - look at the state of this wall. And you hold the rag, Favouritism. That's what it is.