Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Songs of life No 6

So, on my own personal desert island I would have to have something to remind me of Mark's piano playing. The first time I saw him perform a piano concert he was playing Ravel's Jeux d'eau, but somehow I always think of him playing Scriabin.

I don't actually have film of him playing this piece but thought he would appreciate this calm and measured rendition.
I love the way Horowitz plays as if doing a bit of filing; no throwing himself about and grimaces of ecstasy - or maybe he was getting on a bit for all that. And that smile at the end . . .
This would also serve as a reminder of the Everest amount of listening and concert going-to I would do on my return to a mainland if I was rescued . . . which in fact I must do anyway, such are the musical wonderments out there that I know so little of - blogger resists putting on Django Django AGAIN, and heads towards the classic section . . . Mm, bit of Sibelius to clear up to?

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