Friday 2 August 2024

Second hand stuff

Anyone familiar with this blog will know that we attempt to buy everything second hand - drawing the line at pants, pressure cookers and socks for Mark - as no-one else has feet as big as his, so not much of a S.H market.

I'd been checking 'le bon coin' for some weeks hoping to find an inexpensive, very small boat. We are fortunate to have a river that runs through our property - marvellous except it's impossible to clear away the brambles and dead wood that accumulate around the inaccessible river banks. Wading in isn't possible as there's a couple of feet of mud on the bed, so I figured the only way was said small boat.

After ignoring several ads for cheap but hole-ridden specimens I opted for a mid price fishing 'barque' at half the new price, and made by BIC - not remotely biro-shaped, luckily. I went to collect it, admired the blokes super upgrade to real fishing boat and drove back feeling accomplished,

It's probably one of the top five things we've purchased on the B.Coin - solid, double layered, stable and totally does the job. And it's made me recall how much I love messing about in boats . . . Hmm, house boat . . . not practical with 6ft 6 husband.


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