Friday, 10 July 2009

How to blog? what to blog?

Hello there.
This is my first blog attempt.
Friday. Market, jobs, blank space to fill, could fill it with more jobs, but could do some painting.
There is a painting I started about a week ago before I got caught up in end of school things. I keep passing it, wondering why no-one has mentioned it. It's obviously very bad, or perhaps, incredibly good. More likely it's just become part of our surroundings. There's also a very blank piece of MDF next to it which could have paint applied to it, I think I might do that in a minute . . . after the washing up, after the dog walk, after any other form of procrastination.
We just had our family holiday in Cerbere (3 days) Wonderful place, full of strange sounds and wildness of coastline. think I might include a few photos if I can figure out how to do it.

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