Tuesday 1 October 2024

What sort of cake would you like?

I think Mark must have said this well over 200 times during our years together. Somewhere on this blog is an estimation of how many cakes he has actually made - think it was in the early thousands.

My general answer to his : which flavour stodge would thee be appreciative of question was 'Victoria Sponge' to which he would groan a little but not explain really why this was less interesting or fulfilling than say a classic fruit cake, or coffee and walnut et al, so I decided to do one myself. I'm not good at cakes - not having his seemingly inbuilt knowledge of what will work, and without needing to consult any of our jam and flour besmirched cook books - but as teatime was lurking and no other cake was available, I went ahead and experimented. And I used a cookbook.

Result - actually rather wonderful, despite the cake tins being different sizes. Garden blackcurrant jam, whipped cream and a dusting of icing sugar . . . tea pot, best cups and saucers, sunny 4:30 pm under the apple tree; and, the cake rated excellent by our guests. 

So, I can do Victoria sponge, and more recently good scones. But I'll leave the rest to Mark with his natural 'bung this in here, and a bit of that' natural knowledge.

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