Monday, 17 October 2016

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ezra (our son) had always said he would never be an artist or a musician - both his parents being these things. A scientist perhaps . . . but as time has slid along, as it does, it's become evident that he is both a talented musician and artist and really not scientist material - ha!
All those years of hot-glue guns, fiddling about with electronics, pouring over maps, origami, board-game-making, endless music listening and table tapping slowly developed into banjo, drum kit, and paper cuts, self portraits . . . and now an art foundation in preparation for entry into 'beaux arts' or perhaps music study, or both.


Imaginary half- submerged and broken space vessels. A study in cardboard, paint and tin foil by Ezra on his foundation course.

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