Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Conceptual art walk

sort of...

At the time for the communal family walk this morning - a series of deep-exploration of our town and surroundings, within the allowed kilometre radius (slight cheat from time to time) - no one could make a decision on which direction to start from. No problem. Bag of cut up paper each piece marked with: Left or Right, or Straight On.
So, left out of the gate, up the deserted road, left at a 'crossroads' (choice of continuing the road, or one of two paths). Then we got distracted by a not-previously noticed path and ignored the bit of paper's instruction of 'right'. Short-lived art piece but new views, plants and possible other routes observed. To be continued... or not. Probably not.

Left out of the gate

choosing (reluctantly) the next bit of paper - Mum, do we have to do this...)

Next turn

Left and up the hill

new view of the town

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